The 3 Best Overdrive Pedals per Type
The 10 Best Budget Overdrive Pedals (New & Used)
Best Tube Screamer Pedals and Clones
Best Blues Breaker Clones and Evolutions
Best Klon Centaur Clones
Best Plexi Style Overdrives
Best Dumble-Style Pedals
Best Tweed-Style Overdrives
Best Vox-Style Pedals
Best Clark Gainster/Hoochee-Mama Clones

Below, the latest news about fuzz pedals

Electronic Audio Experiments Longsword Drive

NativeAudio Makoyii Drive

MXR Timmy Overdrive

Pedal Line: Catalinbread Elements

Shnobel Tone Mid Driver

Lauren Audio Mustang V2 Preamp

Best Vox-Style Pedals & Vox-In-a-Box Overdrives in 2023

Mad Professor Simble Overdrive

New Pedal: Davey Design Electronics 1979/1990

UAFX Dream ’65 Reverb Ovedrive

MXR Super Badass Dynamic Overdrive

New Pedals: One Control Tornado Drive