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One of the most fun tricks we learned in our youth from great indie bands like The Pixies and R.E.M is to use the guitar’s pickup switches to turn the long notes on-and-off, generating some sort of manually controlled square tremolo effect.

But what about having a stompbox that lets you do that without with your foot and also adds some extra features to it? Enter Memento,  a prototype Dwarfcraft Devices presented at Winter NAMM 2014. This is a simple pedal for the creative guitarists, that features a “Kill” footswitch on the right – which doesn’t lock and turns the sound off when pushed – and a “Recall” one on the left – which basically has the function to loop whatever on/off pattern you created with the Kill button.

Now, that’s a simple idea nobody thought about before – as far as we know!

The Eau Claire, WI manufacturer also had another prototype on their board, called ARF – an attack/Release filter with CV ins and outs.

On a separate note, Dwarfcraft Devices recently acquired legendary Portland manufacturer Devi Ever – their booth at NAMM showcased all their pedals (see picture), including some new versions that incorporate two original Devi Ever stompboxes in one.

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